Our Work

Metrology in Chemistry

Metrology is the science of measurement and its application. As one of the branches of metrology, metrology in Chemistry focuses on the study of comparability and traceability of chemical and biological measurements to ensure the reliability of results. This is essential in establishing global mutual recognition of analytical results, thereby providing a technical foundation for wider agreements related to international trade, commerce and regulatory issues. Comparability and metrological traceability are normally established through participation in inter-comparisons organised by international or regional metrology organisations like the International Bureau of Weights and Measures (BIPM) and the Asia Pacific Metrology Programme (APMP), as well as through the use of certified reference materials (CRMs).

The Government Laboratory (GL) has been actively involved in international metrology activities since the 1990s. It is one of the founding members of the Co-operation on International Traceability in Analytical Chemistry (CITAC) established in 1993. In 2004, the GL became a full member of the APMP, formalising its participation in international activities related to metrology in chemistry. Since May 2005, the GL has been appointed as a Designated Institute (DI), in the field of metrology in chemistry for Hong Kong, China, under the Mutual Recognition Arrangement of the International Committee for Weights and Measures (CIPM MRA). DIs are specialist institutes appointed by government, an appropriate authority, or in some cases the National Metrology Institute (NMI) itself, to deal with metrological responsibilities for certain national standards and associated services that are not covered by the activities of the NMI. In fulfilling its commitments for being a DI, the GL has been accredited as a proficiency testing provider and reference materials producer since August 2006 and December 2010 respectively. In 2012, the GL became the official observer under the Consultative Committee for Amount of Substance: Metrology in Chemistry and Biology (CCQM), in recognition of its expertise in this area.

Moving forward, the GL, as the designated institute representing Hong Kong, China, in the field of metrology in chemistry, will continue to participate actively in meetings, workshops, symposiums, and comparison studies organised by international and regional metrology organisations. Through these exchanges, the GL has built a robust foundation in scientific measurement and continues to contribute to the prosperity and development of Hong Kong as well as to international trade, commerce and regulatory affairs.

Calibration and Measurement Capability (CMC) Claims

With the support of satisfactory results obtained from key or supplementary comparisons organised by international / regional metrology organisations, NMIs or DIs are eligible to apply for CMC claims. These CMCs are published in the BIPM Key Comparison Database (KCDB) under the CIPM MRA. https://www.bipm.org/kcdb/

The CMCs allow countries and economies worldwide to recognise each other’s measurement standards and calibration certificates. Through the CMCs, institutes can disseminate traceability to their customers through services such as:
1. provision of calibrations or reference value;
2. provision of CRMs.

The list of CMC claims obtained by the GL can be downloaded from the link:

Reference Materials Production

As a DI for metrology in chemistry for Hong Kong, China, under the CIPM MRA, the GL has the responsibility of disseminating traceability of chemical and biological measurements to local laboratories. Through the provision of CRMs with property values traceable to stated references, the GL continues to disseminate traceability to concerned parties. By using of appropriate reference materials, testing laboratories can validate their analytical methods and establish the traceability of their measurements.

In December 2010, the GL was accredited as a reference material producer in accordance with the international reference ISO Guide 34:2009. Over the years, the GL has commissioned the production of several reference materials, including those for trace elements in herb and seafood, pesticides in tea, melamine in milk, and high purity melamine. These reference materials were produced to support the local testing industry as it was challenging for testing practitioners to source similar reference materials that were fitted for their intended operations. In January 2019, the GL successfully transitioned its accreditation to the latest international standard, ISO 17034:2016, for reference material producers.

Certificate of Accreditation (Reference Material Producer)

Certificate of Accreditation
(Reference Material Producer)
(Click to magnify)

The reference materials produced by the GL are available to testing laboratories, normally free of charge, under the following conditions:

  1. to support testing laboratories in Hong Kong in seeking accreditation;
  2. to support the outsourcing activities of the GL;
  3. to fulfill the GL’s commitments as a DI under the CIPM MRA; and
  4. other conditions at the discretion of the Government Chemist.

If you have any enquires about the reference materials produced by the GL, please contact us.

International Collaboration

As a member of the international metrology community, the GL keeps close contact with other national metrology institutes through regular participation in related meetings and technical exchanges. Besides, the GL continues to collaborate with local and mainland inspection authorities, as well as overseas testing and metrology institutes, to promote chemical metrology in the region. Recent collaboration programmes are summarised in the attached table.

The 29th meeting of the CCQM 2024

The 29th meeting of the CCQM 2024

The 28th meeting of the CCQM 2023

The 28th meeting of the CCQM 2023

The 39th APMP General Assembly & Related Activities 2023

The 39th APMP General Assembly & Related Activities 2023

Metrology Symposium 2023 — Metrology and Our Daily Life

Metrology Symposium 2023 — Metrology and Our Daily Life

Metrology Symposium 2022 - Metrology And Everyday Life

Metrology Symposium 2022 - Metrology And Everyday Life

Metrology Around Us Metrology Symposium 2021

Metrology Around Us Metrology Symposium 2021

Government Laboratory Centenary Conference 2013

Government Laboratory Centenary Conference 2013

Government Laboratory Centenary Conference 2013

Government Laboratory Centenary Conference 2013

CCQM Bioanalysis Working Group Meeting 2012

CCQM Bioanalysis Working Group Meeting 2012

CCQM Organic Analysis Working Group Meeting 2012

CCQM Organic Analysis Working Group Meeting 2012

International Symposium on Challenges in Food Safety and Biopharmaceutical Testing 2012

International Symposium on Challenges in Food Safety and Biopharmaceutical Testing 2012

International Symposium on Food and Health — from Measurement Science to Quality and Safety 2011

International Symposium on Food and Health — from Measurement Science to Quality and Safety 2011

Date Event Collaborators
May 2024 – APMP supplementary comparison on Histamine in Fish (APMP.QM-S21)
  1. Health Sciences Authority (HSA), Singapore
  2. Asia Pacific Metrology Programme (APMP)
Feb 2019 – CCQM key comparison and pilot study in parallel on Elements and tributyltin in seawater (CCQM-K155, CCQM-P196)
  1. Consultative Committee on Amount of Substances (CCQM)
  2. National Metrology Institute of Turkey, Tübitak (UME)

Completion Date Event Collaborators
Mar 2024 CCQM pilot study on Arsenic Speciation in Seafood (CCQM-P215) Consultative Committee on Amount of Substances (CCQM)
Jan 2024 APMP supplementary comparison on Toxic Elements in Seafood (APMP.QM-S19) Asia Pacific Metrology Programme (APMP)
Dec 2023 SIM supplementary comparison and APMP pilot study on Trace Elements in Natural Water (SIM.QM-S12, APMP.QM-P41)
  1. Inter-American Metrology System (SIM)
  2. Asia Pacific Metrology Programme (APMP)
Aug 2023 Metrology Symposium 2023
  1. Hong Kong Council for Testing and Certification
  2. Standards and Calibration Laboratory of Innovation and Technology Commission
Nov 2022 APMP-APAC joint proficiency testing programme on benzoic acid in fish sauce (APAC T113)
  1. Asia Pacific Metrology Programme (APMP)
  2. Asia Pacific Accreditation Cooperation (APAC)
Aug 2022 Metrology Symposium 2022
  1. Hong Kong Council for Testing and Certification
  2. Standards and Calibration Laboratory of Innovation and Technology Commission
  3. Hong Kong Metropolitan University
May 2021 Metrology Symposium 2021
  1. Hong Kong Council for Testing and Certification
  2. Standards and Calibration Laboratory of Innovation and Technology Commission
  3. The Open University of Hong Kong
Jul 2020 APMP-APLAC proficiency testing programme on toxic metal/metalloid species in powdered rice (APLAC T110)
  1. Asia Pacific Metrology Programme (APMP)
  2. Asia Pacific Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (APLAC) Note 1
Note 1: The Asia Pacific Accreditation Cooperation (APAC) was established on 1 January 2019 by the amalgamation of two former regional accreditation cooperations — the Asia Pacific Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (APLAC) and the Pacific Accreditation Cooperation (PAC)
Jan 2020 Metrology Symposium 2020
  1. Hong Kong Council for Testing and Certification
  2. Standards and Calibration Laboratory of Innovation and Technology Commission
  3. The Open University of Hong Kong
Aug 2019 APMP supplementary comparison and pilot study in parallel with joint APMP-APLAC proficiency testing programme on pesticides in ginseng root (APMP.QM-S11, APMP.QM-P32, APLAC T106)
  1. Asia Pacific Metrology Programme (APMP)
  2. Asia Pacific Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (APLAC)
Mar 2019 Metrology Workshop on Measurement Uncertainty Standards and Calibration Laboratory of Innovation and Technology Commission
Feb 2019 APMP supplementary comparison and pilot study in parallel with joint APMP-APLAC proficiency testing programme on elements in food supplement (APMP.QM-S10, APMP.QM-P31 , APLAC T107)
  1. Asia Pacific Metrology Programme (APMP)
  2. Asia Pacific Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (APLAC)
Jan 2019 Metrology Symposium 2019
  1. Hong Kong Council for Testing and Certification
  2. Standards and Calibration Laboratory of Innovation and Technology Commission
  3. The Open University of Hong Kong
Jul 2018 Seminar on the World Metrology Day (WMD), World Accreditation Day (WAD) and World Standards Day (WSD) 2018
  1. Hong Kong Council for Testing and Certification
  2. Standards and Calibration Laboratory of Innovation and Technology Commission
  3. Hong Kong Accreditation Service
  4. Product Standards Information Bureau of Innovation and Technology Commission
  5. Invited speakers from international organisations and bodies
Jul 2018 2018 Asia Pacific Metrology Programme (APMP) Mid-Year Meeting and Metrology-Enabling Developing Economies in the Asia-Pacific (MEDEA) Workshop Standards and Calibration Laboratory of Innovation and Technology Commission
Oct 2017 Metrology Symposium 2017
  1. Hong Kong Council for Testing and Certification
  2. Standards and Calibration Laboratory of Innovation and Technology Commission
  3. The Open University of Hong Kong
Aug 2017 Youth Forum on Peace, Science and Technology, Innovation for a Better Future — Chemical Measurement and Quality of Life HK20
Jun 2017 Seminar on the World Metrology Day (WMD), World Accreditation Day (WAD) and World Standards Day (WSD) 2017
  1. Hong Kong Council for Testing and Certification
  2. Standards and Calibration Laboratory of Innovation and Technology Commission
  3. Hong Kong Accreditation Service
  4. Product Standards Information Bureau of Innovation and Technology Commission
  5. Invited speakers from international organisations and bodies
Jun 2017 Seminar on International Metrology and Testing Services Standards and Calibration Laboratory of Innovation and Technology Commission
Apr 2017 CCQM key comparison and pilot study in parallel on elements in infant formula (CCQM-K125, CCQM-P159) Consultative Committee on Amount of Substances (CCQM)
Mar 2017 CCQM key comparison and pilot study in parallel on carbamazepine in surface water (CCQM-K126, CCQM-P161) Consultative Committee on Amount of Substances (CCQM)
Mar 2017 CCQM key comparison and pilot study in parallel on trace elements and chromium speciation in drinking water (CCQM-K124, CCQM-P158)
  1. Consultative Committee on Amount of Substances (CCQM)
  2. National Metrology Institute of Japan
Mar 2017 CCQM key comparison and pilot study in parallel on melamine in milk (CCQM-K103, CCQM-P145)
  1. Consultative Committee on Amount of Substances (CCQM)
  2. National Institute of Metrology, People's Republic China
Jul 2016 APMP-APLAC joint proficiency testing programme on determination of elements (calcium and cadmium) in drinking water (APLAC T095)
  1. Asia Pacific Metrology Programme (APMP)
  2. Asia Pacific Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (APLAC)
  3. National Metrology Institute of Japan
Jun 2016 Seminar on the World Metrology Day (WMD), World Accreditation Day(WAD) and World Standards Day (WSD) 2016
  1. Hong Kong Council for Testing and Certification
  2. Standards and Calibration Laboratory of Innovation and Technology Commission
  3. Hong Kong Accreditation Service
  4. Product Standards Information Bureau of Innovation and Technology Commission
  5. Invited speakers from international organisations and bodies
Jun 2016 Seminar on International Metrology and Testing Services Standards and Calibration Laboratory of Innovation and Technology Commission
Aug 2015 APMP supplementary comparison and pilot study in parallel on clenbuterol in porcine meat (APMP.QM-S6, APMP.QM-P22) Asia Pacific Metrology Programme (APMP)
May 2015 Seminar on the World Metrology Day (WMD), World Accreditation Day(WAD) and World Standards Day (WSD) 2015 in Hong Kong
  1. Hong Kong Council for Testing and Certification
  2. Standards and Calibration Laboratory of Innovation and Technology Commission
  3. Hong Kong Accreditation Service
  4. Product Standards Information Bureau of Innovation and Technology Commission
  5. Invited speakers from international organisations and bodies
May 2015 Seminar on International Metrology and Testing Services Standards and Calibration Laboratory of Innovation and Technology Commission
Oct 2014 CCQM key comparison and pilot study in parallel on organochlorine pesticides in green tea (CCQM-K95, CCQM-P136)
  1. Consultative Committee on Amount of Substances (CCQM)
  2. Asia Pacific Metrology Programme (APMP)
  3. National Institute of Metrology, People’s Republic of China
Oct 2014 APMP pilot study on ephedrine and pseudoephedrine in Herba Ephedrae (APMP.QM-P27) Asia Pacific Metrology Programme (APMP)
May 2014 Seminar Celebrating the WMD, the WAD and the WSD in Hong Kong
  1. Hong Kong Council for Testing and Certification
  2. Standards and Calibration Laboratory
  3. Hong Kong Accreditation Service
  4. Product Standards Information Bureau of Innovation and Technology Commission
  5. Invited speakers from international organisations and bodies
Nov 2013
*Jun 2012
APMP Supplementary comparison in parallel with proficiency testing programmes for APEC, APLAC and APMP DEC on essential and trace elements in seafood (APMP.QM-S5, APMP PT 11-01, APLAC T082, *APEC PT)
  1. Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC)
  2. Asia Pacific Metrology Programme (APMP)
  3. Asia Pacific Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (APLAC)
Oct 2013 APLAC proficiency testing programmes on organochlorine pesticides in green tea (APLAC T081) Asia Pacific Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (APLAC)
Sep 2013 APMP DEC proficiency testing programme on organochlorine pesticides in green tea (APMP PT 11-02) Asia Pacific Metrology Programme (APMP)
Jan 2013 CCQM key comparison and pilot study in parallel with an APMP pilot study on trace and essential elements in herb (CCQM-K89, CCQM-P126, APMP.QM-P18)
  1. Consultative Committee on Amount of Substances (CCQM)
  2. Asia Pacific Metrology Programme (APMP)
9 Nov 2012 Joint BAWG/OAWG Technical Workshop CCQM Organic Analysis Working Group (OAWG) and Bioanalysis Working Meeting (BAWG)
8 Nov 2012 International Symposium 2012 on Challenges in Food Safety and Biopharmaceutical Testing Invited speakers from overseas metrology institutes and international organisations
6-7 Nov 2012 CCQM Organic Analysis and Bio-analysis Working Groups Meetings CCQM Organic Analysis Working Group (OAWG) and Bioanalysis Working Group (BAWG)
10 Nov 2011 International Symposium on Food and Health — from Measurement Science to Quality and Safety -
Nov 2010 Seminar on Metrology in Chemistry 2010 Invited speakers from international / regional metrology organisations and bodies
Dec 2009 APMP pilot study on pesticides in tea (APMP.QM-P15)
  1. National Institute of Metrology, PR China
  2. National Metrology Institute Australia
Nov 2008 AOAC Multi-laboratory validation programme on determination of Aconitum alkaloids in dietary supplements and raw herbs 12 laboratories from the UK, United States, Korea, Mainland China, Hong Kong
Nov 2007 International Symposium on Food Chemistry Analysis and Related Quality Assurance Techniques
  1. Guangdong Entry-Exit Inspection & Quarantine Bureau
  2. Liaoning Entry-Exit Inspection & Quarantine Bureau
Jun 2007 International Symposium on Metrology in Chemistry with focus on Food Safety, Medical Testing and Consumer Protection

Invited speakers from overseas and Mainland metrology organisations and the local accreditation body

Year Event
Till 2023 Summary:
  1. Provided 80 Proficiency Testing (PT) Schemes
  2. Organised 21 and participated in 99 key comparisons, supplementary comparisons or pilot studies
  3. Obtained 105 Calibration and Measurement Capability (CMC) claims
  4. Produced 10 Certified Reference Materials (CRMs)
2022 Accredited for purity assessment of organic compounds by quantitative NMR in accordance with ISO/IEC 17025
2012 Became the observer of the Consultative Committee for Amount of Substance: Metrology in Chemistry and Biology (CCQM)
2010 Accredited as a Reference Material Provider
2010 Obtained its first Calibration and Measurement Capability (CMC) claim, published in the International Bureau of Weights and Measures (BIPM) Key Comparison Database (KCDB)
2006 Accredited as a Proficiency Testing Provider
2006 Hosted the seminar of Metrology in Chemistry in Hong Kong
2005 Became Designated Institute in the field of metrology in chemistry for Hong Kong, China under the Mutual Recognition Arrangement (MRA) of the International Committee of Weights and Measures (CIPM)
2004 Became a full member of the Asia-Pacific Metrology Programme (APMP)
1993 Together with metrology institutions in many countries and regions, the CITAC was established. The Government Laboratory is a founding member of the CITAC