Organisation Chart

Analytical & Advisory Services Division


The Division has major scientific and statutory commitments in food safety, environmental pollution and waste discharge monitoring, pharmaceuticals and Chinese medicines examination for public health protection, commodities testing for safety evaluation, as well as protection of revenue and consumer interests. The work involved frequently requires special investigations, or could be purely consultative for which no laboratory examination is needed. Equipped with a well-qualified and competent workforce, this Division is able to consistently provide quality scientific services to support bureaux and departments of the HKSAR Government.


The Division presently consists of two functional Groups each comprising a number of specialist Sections. The two Groups are:

The Group, headed by a Chief Chemist, mainly deals with the testing of food samples for the protection of public health and safety, and for the support of the statutory functions under various regulations and ordinances. The Group also provides support to the local testing and certification industry on arrangement of proficiency tests and provision of reference materials. In addition, the Group manages the outsourcing work and quality system of, provides centralized analytical services on trace elements and coordinates chemical metrology activities for the Division.

Chief Chemist: Dr. T C Cheung
(Tel. No.: 2762-3860 E-mail:

The Group comprises the following Sections, each of which is headed by a Senior Chemist.

The Group, headed by a Chief Chemist, provides specialized technical and advisory services on matters relating to the analysis of drugs, Chinese medicines, environmental samples etc. Technical support and advice are also given to other government departments concerning classification and analysis of dangerous goods, specification tests for government procurements, occupational safety issues, testing of dutiable commodities for tariff classification, assessment of toys, children's products and consumer articles for health and safety hazards, testing of consumer products for compliance with the Trade Descriptions Ordinance, verification of products and equipment for compliance with the Weights and Measures Ordinance and Hong Kong Observatory's Environmental Radiation Monitoring Programme and Daya Bay Contingency Plan.

Chief Chemist: Ms. S C Tso
(Tel. No.: 2762-3879 E-mail:

The Group consists of the following Sections each led by a Senior Chemist.

Data System

The Laboratory has an integrated laboratory instrumentation network connecting major instruments to individual user workstations. Internal communication is via the Local Area Network serving over 500 users. A centralized sample information management system maintains all the records of incoming samples and outgoing reports. Other functions of the system include the tracking and status report for individual samples, as well as various workload statistics.

Quality Assurance

The Division has successfully adopted a quality system in compliance with the ISO/IEC 17025 requirements since January 2002. All the tests previously accredited to the ISO/IEC Guide 25 have been confirmed to the ISO/IEC 17025 accreditation status under the Hong Kong Laboratory Accreditation Scheme. The Laboratory holds regular in-house seminars and training classes for various grades of staff. Within the ambit of our resource, open seminars with prominent scientists as guest speakers are also held for the local testing communities from time to time.